Apache Commons Codec 1.18.0 RELEASE NOTES ----------------------------------------- The Apache Commons Codec component contains encoders and decoders for formats such as Base16, Base32, Base64, digest, and Hexadecimal. In addition to these widely used encoders and decoders, the codec package also maintains a collection of phonetic encoding utilities. This is a feature and maintenance release. Java 8 or later is required. New features ------------ * Add Base32.Builder.setHexDecodeTable(boolean). Thanks to Gary Gregory, Julian Reschke. * Add Base32.Builder.setHexEncodeTable(boolean). Thanks to Gary Gregory, Julian Reschke. Changes ------- * Bump org.apache.commons:commons-parent from 78 to 79. Thanks to Gary Gregory. For complete information on Apache Commons Codec, including instructions on how to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Commons Codec website: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-codec/ Download page: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-codec/download_codec.cgi --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache Commons Codec 1.17.2 RELEASE NOTES ----------------------------------------- The Apache Commons Codec component contains encoders and decoders for formats such as Base16, Base32, Base64, digest, and Hexadecimal. In addition to these widely used encoders and decoders, the codec package also maintains a collection of phonetic encoding utilities. This is a feature and maintenance release. Java 8 or later is required. Fixed Bugs ---------- * Rewrite DaitchMokotoffSoundex.soundex(String) using String.join(). Thanks to Gary Gregory. * CODEC-324: Use Resource.class to load resources, rather than its class loader #353. Thanks to Michael Froh. * Deprecate CharSequenceUtils.CharSequenceUtils(). Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Deprecate Sha2Crypt.Sha2Crypt(). Thanks to Gary Gregory. Changes ------- * Bump org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 from 3.14.0 to 3.17.0 #296, #305, #313. Thanks to Dependabot. * Bump org.apache.commons:commons-parent from 71 to 78 #310, #312, #319, #323, #326, #333. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * [test] Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.16.1 to 2.18.0 #318, #341. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Dependabot. * Bump org.codehaus.mojo:taglist-maven-plugin from 3.1.0 to 3.2.1 #332. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Dependabot. For complete information on Apache Commons Codec, including instructions on how to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Commons Codec website: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-codec/ Download page: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-codec/download_codec.cgi --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache Commons Codec 1.17.1 RELEASE NOTES ----------------------------------------- The Apache Commons Codec component contains encoders and decoders for various formats such as Base16, Base32, Base64, digest, and Hexadecimal. In addition to these widely used encoders and decoders, the codec package also maintains a collection of phonetic encoding utilities. Feature and fix release. Requires a minimum of Java 8. Fixed Bugs ---------- * Md5Crypt now throws IllegalArgumentException on an invalid prefix. Thanks to Gary Gregory. Changes ------- * Bump org.apache.commons:commons-parent from 69 to 71 #286. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Bump org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-maven-plugin from 1.23 to 1.24 #293. Thanks to Dependabot. * Bump org.codehaus.mojo:taglist-maven-plugin from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 #292. Thanks to Dependabot. For complete information on Apache Commons Codec, including instructions on how to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Commons Codec website: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-codec/ Download page: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-codec/download_codec.cgi --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache Commons Codec 1.17.0 RELEASE NOTES ----------------------------------------- The Apache Commons Codec component contains encoders and decoders for various formats such as Base16, Base32, Base64, digest, and Hexadecimal. In addition to these widely used encoders and decoders, the codec package also maintains a collection of phonetic encoding utilities. Feature and fix release. Requires a minimum of Java 8. New features ------------ * Add override org.apache.commons.codec.language.bm.Rule.PhonemeExpr.size(). Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Add support for Base64 custom alphabets #266. Thanks to Chris Kocel, Gary Gregory. * Add Base64.Builder (allows custom alphabets). Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Add Base32.Builder (allows custom alphabets). Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Add Base64 support for a custom padding byte (like Base32). Thanks to Gary Gregory. Fixed Bugs ---------- * CODEC-320: Wrong output of DoubleMetaphone in 1.16.1. Thanks to Martin Frydl, Gary Gregory. * Optimize memory allocation in PhoneticEngine. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * BCodec and QCodec encode() methods throw UnsupportedCharsetException instead of EncoderException. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Set Javadoc link to latest Java API LTS version. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Base32 constructor fails-fast with a NullPointerException if the custom alphabet array is null. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Base32 constructor makes a defensive copy of the line separator array. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Base64 constructor makes a defensive copy of the line separator array. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Base64 constructor makes a defensive copy of a custom alphabet array. Thanks to Gary Gregory. Changes ------- * Bump org.apache.commons:commons-parent from 66 to 69 #250, #261. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. * Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.15.1 to 2.16.1 #258, #265. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. For complete information on Apache Commons Codec, including instructions on how to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Commons Codec website: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-codec/ Download page: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-codec/download_codec.cgi --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache Commons Codec 1.16.1 RELEASE NOTES ----------------------------------------- The Apache Commons Codec component contains encoders and decoders for various formats such as Base16, Base32, Base64, digest, and Hexadecimal. In addition to these widely used encoders and decoders, the codec package also maintains a collection of phonetic encoding utilities. Feature and fix release. Requires a minimum of Java 8. New features ------------ * Add Maven property project.build.outputTimestamp for build reproducibility. Thanks to Gary Gregory. Fixed Bugs ---------- * CODEC-295: Test clean ups. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * [StepSecurity] ci: Harden GitHub Actions #187. Thanks to step-security-bot, Gary Gregory. * CODEC-295: Correct error in Base64 Javadoc #188. Thanks to Evan Saulpaugh. * CODEC-295: Add minimum Java version in changes.xml #186. Thanks to Olivier Jaquemet, Gary Gregory. * CODEC-310: Documentation update for the org.apache.commons.codec.digest.* package #208. Thanks to Yakov Shafranovich. * Precompile regular expression in UnixCrypt.crypt(byte[], String). Thanks to Gary Gregory. * CODEC-315: Fix possible IndexOutOfBoundException in PhoneticEngine.encode method #223. Thanks to Arthur Chan, Gary Gregory. * CODEC-313: Fix possible ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in QuotedPrintableCodec.encodeQuotedPrintable() method #221. Thanks to Arthur Chan, Gary Gregory. * CODEC-312: Fix possible StringIndexOutOfBoundException in MatchRatingApproachEncoder.encode() method #220. Thanks to Arthur Chan, Gary Gregory. * CODEC-311: Fix possible ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException in RefinedSoundex.getMappingCode() #219. Thanks to Arthur Chan, Gary Gregory. * CODEC-314: Fix possible IndexOutOfBoundsException in PercentCodec.insertAlwaysEncodeChars() method #222. Thanks to Arthur Chan, Gary Gregory. * Deprecate UnixCrypt 0-argument constructor. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Deprecate Md5Crypt 0-argument constructor. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Deprecate Crypt 0-argument constructor. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Deprecate StringUtils 0-argument constructor. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Deprecate Resources 0-argument constructor. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Deprecate Charsets 0-argument constructor. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Deprecate CharEncoding 0-argument constructor. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Add missing version for animal-sniffer-maven-plugin. Thanks to Gary Gregory. Changes ------- * Bump commons-parent from 58 to 66. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. * Bump commons-lang3 from 3.12.0 to 3.14.0. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Bump commons-io from 2.13.0 to 2.15.1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. For complete information on Apache Commons Codec, including instructions on how to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Commons Codec website: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-codec/ Download page: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-codec/download_codec.cgi --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache Commons Codec 1.16.0 The Apache Commons Codec package contains simple encoder and decoders for various formats such as Base64 and Hexadecimal. In addition to these widely used encoders and decoders, the codec package also maintains a collection of phonetic encoding utilities. Feature and fix release. Changes in this version include: New features ------------ * CODEC-296: Add support for Blake3 family of hashes. Thanks to Matt Sicker. * Add github/codeql-action. Fixed Bugs ---------- * CODEC-295: Minor improvements #67. Thanks to Arturo Bernal. * Remove duplicated words from Javadocs. Thanks to James Gan. * CODEC-301: Simplify assertion #84. Thanks to Alexander Pinske, Alex Herbert. * CODEC-300: Simplify assertion #84. Thanks to Arturo Bernal. * CODEC-298: Use Standard Charset object #82. Thanks to Arturo Bernal. * Use String.contains() functions #125. Thanks to Arturo Bernal. * Avoid use toString() or substring() in favor of a simplified expression #126. Thanks to Arturo Bernal. * CODEC-305: Fix byte-skipping in Base16 decoding #135. Thanks to Florian. * Fix several typos, improve writing in some javadocs #139. Thanks to Marc Wrobel. * BaseNCodecOutputStream.eof() should not throw IOException. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Javadoc improvements and cleanups. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Deprecate BaseNCodec.isWhiteSpace(byte) and use Character.isWhitespace(int). Thanks to Gary Gregory. Changes ------- * Bump actions/cache from v2 to v3.0.10 #75, #99, #119, #138, #149, #152. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. * Bump actions/setup-java from v1.4.1 to 3.5.1 #60, #62, #121. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. * Bump actions/checkout from 2.3.2 to 3.1.0 #65, #98, #114, #153. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. * Bump commons-parent from 52 to 58, #147, #165, #170. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. * CODEC-285: Bump junit from 4.13.1 to 5.9.1 #76, #39, #140, #148. Thanks to Dependabot, John Patrick. * Bump Java 7 to 8. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Bump japicmp-maven-plugin from 0.14.3 to 0.17.1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.5 to 0.8.8 (Fixes Java 15 builds). Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Bump maven-surefire-plugin from 2.22.2 to 3.0.0-M7 #122, #134. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.4.1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Bump animal-sniffer-maven-plugin from 1.19 to 1.22. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Bump maven-pmd-plugin from 3.13.0 to 3.19.0, #133, #142, #145. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Dependabot. * Bump pmd from 6.47.0 to 6.52.0. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 2.17 to 3.2.0 #143. Thanks to Gary Gregory. * Bump checkstyle from 8.45.1 to 9.3 #97, #100, #101, #103. Thanks to Dependabot. * Bump taglist-maven-plugin from 2.4 to 3.0.0 #102. Thanks to Dependabot. * Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.7 to 0.8.8. Thanks to Gary Gregory. For complete information on Apache Commons Codec, including instructions on how to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Commons Codec website: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-codec/ Download page: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-codec/download_codec.cgi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------